Month: August 2008

Damo in Courier Mail

Damo in Courier Mail under the banner "20 Olympic Moments you won't want to miss"


Damo In Beijing

Damo has arrived in Beijing.
The weather is muggy but the smog is keeping the temp down :)He is sharing an apartment with the male shooters. He has a room to himself others have 2 to a room … benefits to being the only male member of a team!!

They have the welcoming function tonight, and then tomorrow … the opening ceremony. Damo says the gear is great and they get heaps of it.

The gear is a skin tight fitting. They also are getting the new Adidas Boots

I Like the bit in the marketing - the boots have 'Bird's Nest' single layer ClimaCool® mesh developed specifically for the Beijing Olympic Games.

Here is a photo from Damo's "Good Luck Damo" party

Damo 310Kg PB Back Squat Video

Damo 310Kg PB Back Squat (10Kg PB) after doing 290Kg for a double



and Troy coming back to great form with a 152.5Kg Clean and Jerk


Damo TV Footage

Video report on which appeared on Fox Sports news,,Olympics%20News_8581,00.html

Also a video from The Brisbane Times


Click on "Sport" then "Go Aussie Go" and then scroll across to "Damon Kelly 6 meals a day"