
Youth Olympic Festival

In the men’s 62kg category, Joshua Wu held off a strong challenge from fellow Queenslander James Norman to claim the Bronze medal behind China’s Chen Meilong (Gold) and Elson Brechtefield (Silver) from Nauru.
Jon Pakchung 7th in the 85kg category



League Round 1

The comp is being held at Cougars – and you MUST help out on the day its part of being a member of the club – I do not care if you are Jett or Ben everybody MUST help out.
I understand if you have something on however its those people that can lift in comps but always have something on when asked to help really annoy me !
Damo is the man to see when you are going  to find out how you can help.


Everybody must be a member of the QWA to lift in league round 1
Form here



Since one-piece lifting costumes can be expensive, a two-piece costume is allowed in many QWA
events.  But a two-piece costume must still conform to all other regulations.  An acceptable two-piece costume
consists of close-fitting shorts that do not cover the knees, plus a close-fitting T-shirt that is collarless, covers the
torso and does not cover the elbows.


Drug Testing

You can get tested at the gym or in competition – anybody can  – you do not need to be an elite lifter !

I am still amazed that people are taking medications without checking they are ok on the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) website – ANYBODY can be tested
Goto to check out your medications BEFORE you take them its YOUR responsibility
note a Doctor saying its ok is NOT VALID and remember there are different rules for in and out of competition
Also if you use  Asthma medication you need to get a TUE


Qualifying Periods

The qualifying period for the Queensland Senior Championships is 3rd May 2012 – 3rd May 2013.
The minimum standard for entry in the Queensland Senior Championships is AWF D Grade
To be eligible to be selected to represent the QWA  at the 2013 National Senior and/or Junior Championships, athletes must
compete in the 2013 Queensland Senior & Junior Championships.