Day: July 31, 2010
Results League Round 3
The Results of round 3 of the league can be found here
You can view detailed stats of each lifter on the website - by clicking on their name
This comp saw the return of two old schoolboy lifters, John Walz and Steve
John Walz did 110, 145 for a 300 Sinclair total
and Steve 70, 90 both for 6 out of 6
John Pakchung showed some solid form in his first comp doing 60,70
Lad did 150 snatch and 170 Clean and Jerk and just missed a QLD record total in the Clean and Jerk , missing 177 Jerk forwards - he needs to get his leg strength up :)
James and Kory did new PB's in both lifts and Kory showed excellent technique yet again.
We are really struggling to get helpers for these comps - everybody needs to help out in a least one session - remember somebody else ref'd and loaded for you. Also any parents that would like to learn refereeing please contact me - The QWA runs free workshops.
Zack few back to Canada this weekend to do a Master’s Degree and it’s sad to see him go - Thanks for the Crossfit hoodie mate :)